Black and White Thinking

I wonder these days why I create black and white thinking in many scenarios in my life. I feel that society makes us believe in this at a very young age. You are either good or evil, hero or villain, right or wrong- these are some examples that have been portrayed in fairy-tales, movies, comics, and even politics. These are all lies. I don't believe any of us are either one or the other. We are not all good or all bad. Most people have a combination of the two. We all have strengths and weaknesses, so why is it that I have this knob in my head that automatically chooses either one or the other? I like to see the good in people, seeing the world through rose colored glasses but this has created a lot of difficulty in my life. I was in an emotionally abusive relationship and couldn't see the hurtful things because I wanted to see the good in him. My thinking was totally warped. I have befriended people who do something out of character in my book and I ride them off as "bad" because of this fact as well. The truth is that many people are shades of gray. I learn this more and more over time as I get older. It's not as simple as good or bad, right or wrong. However society doesn't help us validate this. We get into so many wars because one nation is totally "bad" or "wrong" and the other is "good" or "right". I feel that if more people saw in shades of gray there would be more compromise and less tension or pain. Let me just say, it's not an easy thing to do nor does it feel natural yet a little change in perspective can go a long way.


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I am funny, smart, sassy, silly, beautiful and always keepin' it REAL.